Boise Towne Square - Westpark Pavement Rehab
Boise, ID

The Westpark Drive Pavement Rehabilitation was performed for JP Realty to improve the divided entrance section of Westpark Drive between Cole Road and the mall Ring Road.  Evaluations were performed to evaluate life cycle costs and effectiveness of various pavement options including variations of flexible and ridged pavements.  This section of Westpark Drive experiences a high volume of Bus trips because it's located on a bus route.  The project included complete construction document preparation, permitting, bidding assistance, and construction administration.

Boise Towne Square - Westpark Pavement Rehab
Boise Towne Square - Westpark Pavement Rehab
Boise Towne Square - Westpark Pavement Rehab
Boise Towne Square - Westpark Pavement Rehab
Boise Towne Square - Westpark Pavement Rehab
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